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Counseling Services

 Counseling Services

Sure Foundation provides a supportive atmosphere to meet your counseling needs through individual or group counseling. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.

Our counseling services can assist you

  • Cope with addictive or dependency issues
  • Develop a sense of confidence
  • Manage anxiety
  • Learn coping strategies for depression
  • Clarify an issue you’ve been having
  • Better decision-making skills
  • Discover possibilities for change

No problem is too small for counseling as it is a sound solution and a great avenue for betterment. Counseling does not offer a quick fix and doesn’t work to resolve issues instantaneously.  Also, at Sure Foundation you will never  have a counselor  judge you or your behavior or problems.  Counseling is a conversation that will hopefully reveal some potential solutions and ways in which you can better approach your issues.

Individual Counseling

Individual counseling relies on the alliance between the counselor and the patient which focuses on the individual. The one-on-one interaction and discussion between the counselor and the client hopefully cultivates a trusted confidential relationship.

Group Counseling

Group counseling sessions open up the floor to multiple vantage points and experiences which can be a huge positive for certain individuals who lack perspective in individual counseling. Our group counseling is made up of small or large groups.

Some popular motivators and benefits of our group counseling sessions are:

  • A sense of camaraderie around a shared issue
  • A feeling of belonging to a group
  • Understanding that you are not alone in your struggles
  • Gaining support from all angles as fellow group members can act as a broader support system
  • Feeling confidence in opening up about an issue that others are also discussing
  • Gaining multiple perspectives around an issue for better self-awareness
  • Improving communication skills
  • Potential lifelong connections

Sure Foundation is here to assist you in figuring out what is right for you. Our staff will be more than happy to answer questions or steer you toward the counseling environment that’s right for you.

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